
Nov 2023

Color “correction” in Lightroom.

Trying to convey different feelings by toning colors differently to show moods.


Definitely the one on the right speaks to me more... probably winter blues

Nov 2023

There are all these books and articles about “habits of successful peoplele”, their routunes, and compilation of what they did to succeeed. But how about a book and statistics of all unsuccessful (even miserable) people and businesses that failed? So i can learn about their mistakes and absorb analysis of what caused it. And not repeat doing the same?

Triggered by Sahil Bloom’s Curiosity Chronicle newsletter

Nov 2023

White on white

It is so great to feel my creative side starting to unthaw. Starting to want again, get interested, feel more alive. So ...
Nov 2023

Few realizations in the last few weeks:

  • I need more socializing that I thought I do… or better to say - I know that it will make me happier, more relaxed if I get more social interactions going
  • not being tied to results and having lower expectations (or better none) = more happiness, feeling of satisfaction. No matter if it is hosting dinner or traveling 3 hours away for a day event
  • I don’t want to be working in my niche/small group of big company in the same role. Don’t think this small-ish sector has any advancement opportunities to get to in the next 2 years. It’s depressing to see people working hard and just being promoted one step “up” or company inventing a “half step role” because it’s convenient to keep good workers in their spot and giving them mroe responsibilities. Just because they are doing something good (or figured out how to perfect it) doesn’t mean they are in the right spot.
Nov 2023

My friday evening.
Cosy, reflective
Journaling, tarot and oracle cards
Music from this Spotify playlist.

  • camera and zoom lens
Oct 2023

I don’t' know what it is (or was) - Full moon last night and upcoming time change? But today felt like such a loooooong day. stretching and stretching for hours. I don’t recall last time I felt this way. Any #astrology, #tarot or #metaphysics people here to explain?

Sep 2023

Perfectionist in me is struggling to find a “reason” to post for #mbsept photo challenge b/c I didn’t join from 9/1 I am fighting that. Day 29 - “Contrast” 10/1 is near dear inner critic

Sep 2023

Working at home. At the desk all day. A brisk walk after hours is so far the most i can manage these days. View is great though. Too bad cell signal is not that good to actually work outside :)

Day 28 #mbsept

Sep 2023

Quotes read today:

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” - Theodore Roosevelt.

From the The Almanack of Naval Ravikant

If you can’t decide, the answer is No

Simple heuristic: if you’re evenly split on a difficult decision, take the path more painful in the short term

Another one in Russian:

«Армейский закон»: в условиях отсутствия информаци и любое принятое решение— верное (из курса Анна Бабич - курс-сериал по самооценке

Sep 2023

Micro.blog email told me to post an image today :) Something to start the blog with.

Ok. Here we go . Not a “belt” for today’s photo challenge theme though. Just a cozy view of the hangout spot. I guess it can qualify as a shot for Day 23 “a day in life” #mbsept