
: Color “correction” in Lightroom. Trying to convey different feelings by toning colors …

: There are all these books and articles about “habits of successful peoplele”, their routunes, and …

: White on white It is so great to feel my creative side starting to unthaw. Starting to want again, get interested, …

: Few realizations in the last few weeks: I need more socializing that I thought I do… or …

: My friday evening. Cosy, reflective Journaling, tarot and oracle cards Music from this Spotify …

: I don’t' know what it is (or was) - Full moon last night and upcoming time change? But today …

: Perfectionist in me is struggling to find a “reason” to post for #mbsept photo challenge b/c I …

: Working at home. At the desk all day. A brisk walk after hours is so far the most i can manage these …

: Quotes read today: “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the …

: Micro.blog email told me to post an image today :) Something to start the blog with. Ok. Here we go …